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HubSpot Case Studies (1)

The Opportunity

The Hamilton Holt School at Rollins College offers affordable degree programs for working adults at one of the South's most prestigious colleges. With a lack of qualified leads in its pipeline, regional and online programs vying for potential students, and the challenging landscape of higher education, The Hamilton Holt School needed a campaign focused on brand awareness for its undergraduate programs and driving conversions.

The Solution

The Second Mile team worked with BeneRe to implement a Salesforce to HubSpot migration and a Sales Pro and CRM setup. 

Our team first conducted a period of discovery to understand where there were inefficiencies and gaps in BeneRe's existing sales processes, tech stack, and data. We then implemented a custom portal strategy to implement BeneRe's Sales Hub and CRM, including a data migration from Salesforce to HubSpot. 

The Second Mile team created extensive documentation for best practices and processes for the BeneRe sales team's reference and future growth. We also conducted both group and 1:1 CRM and sales training sessions to better equip and support the sales reps when completing their daily SOPs in the platform. 

HubSpot Case Studies (2)

The Results

In the first 60 days of switching to HubSpot.
Partnering with the Second Mile team was one of the best decisions we made to support our digital marketing strategy. The team of experts are great listeners and collaborators, taking the time to learn and understand our brand position. Above all, they are continuously striving to do more to continuously improve the outcomes.
Doragnes B.
Rollins College

Ready To Get Started?

Connect with our team to learn more about our services and how your company can utilize the HubSpot tools.



