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The Opportunity

Atlas Digital Group was looking for a way to create a streamlined and scalable process for its sales team in HubSpot as the company rapidly grew. By implementing HubSpot's CRM & sales tools, the team would be able to more efficiently manage its day-to-day within one platform, align processes, and increase visibility to key sales & revenue metrics to inform business growth.

The sales team lacked a unified process and platform to track opportunities, deals, and customers. With little to no use of automation, the sales team's day-to-day was cumbersome and inefficient. Sales needed an overhaul of its data structure, sales process & content, and entire pipeline to optimize and centralize its process within one platform - HubSpot. The lack of processes, organized data, and automation made it hard for the sales team to keep track of deals, leverage automation for personalized sales outreach, or create actionable reporting for leadership.

The Solution

Second Mile worked with Atlas to implement a CRM & Sales Professional setup in HubSpot.

Our team began with a period of discovery alongside Atlas' sales team and key stakeholders to understand the current processes and platforms, as well as identify where there were gaps, inefficiencies, and opportunities for growth in its sales process. Our team conducted in-depth discovery conversations with Atlas, reviewed existing sales documentation & assets, and audited Atlas' tech stack.

The Second Mile team then created an extensive HubSpot Roadmap outlining a detailed plan for Atlas' recommended HubSpot CRM & Sales Professional implementation. The Roadmap outlined the recommended data structure, tech integrations, and sales process for Atlas within HubSpot.

Our team then moved into implementation, building out the proposed strategy in the HubSpot Roadmap for Atlas while providing training throughout the implementation to support & teach the sales team SOPs for the sales process in HubSpot.


The Results

Great team for HubSpot build-outs! The Second Mile team is knowledgeable, easy to work with, and delivers tremendous value. There are no real downsides - the team executes, is accessible, and goes the extra mile to ensure any questions are addressed.
Atlas Group
Second Mile is helping us configure HubSpot to enable a foundation for scalable sales enablement tools, marketing operations, and the necessary reporting therein.
Atlas Group

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